Best Food Photo of 2013

Please vote in our poll for the best food photo of 2013. The poll will remain open until the end of April 2014. We had a lot of good meals in 2013, so here are the photos to refresh your memory:

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Stiftungsfest at the Essen Haus (February 2013)

Dinner was excellent

Dinner was excellent

Sandwiches for the Spring Concert (May 2013)

Parsley on everything!

Parsley on everything!

Kommers in Sheboygan (October 2013)

Dinner was pretty good.

Dinner was pretty good.

Cooking class at the Turner Hall Oktoberfest (October 2013)

Clockwise from the top: creamed carrots, savoy cabbage, Wiener Schnitzel and roesti potatoes. It was delicious!

Clockwise from the top: creamed carrots, savoy cabbage, Wiener Schnitzel and roesti potatoes. It was delicious!

Lutefisk dinner at Christ Lutheran Church in DeForest (November 2013)

Clockwise from the top: mashed potatoes and gravy, rutabaga, meatballs, lutefisk with melted butter, cranberry sauce and coleslaw

Clockwise from the top: mashed potatoes and gravy, rutabaga, meatballs, lutefisk with melted butter, cranberry sauce and coleslaw

Christmas Concert dinner (December 2013)

Dinner was great. Clockwise form the top: turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, ham baked in sourdough with a pineapple slice, cranberry sauce and green bean casserole.

Clockwise from the top: turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, ham baked in sourdough bread, cranberry sauce and green bean casserole.

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