We held our 164th Annual Spring Concert on Sunday May 15, 2016 at Madison Turner Hall. Our guest choir was the Monroe Swiss Singers. Below are some photos from the concert. Thanks to all who attended; we hope you had a good time!
Thanks to all who helped set up and clean up. And also to those who helped make the sandwiches. And special thanks to Geoff Kroening for sharing his photos of the concert.

Spring Concert 2016
The setup crew is hard at work on the risers

Spring Concert 2016
The sandwich making crew is also hard at work.

Spring Concert 2016
We had a big crew this year and the work went quickly

Spring Concert 2016
And parsley on everything!

Spring Concert 2016
Check out the new flag stands!

Spring Concert 2016
The sandwiches are ready...

Spring Concert 2016
Marooned on Tenor Island

Spring Concert 2016
A picture of Jesse taking our group picture

Spring Concert 2016
Mandatory sock photo

Spring Concert 2016
Warming up before the start of the concert

Spring Concert 2016
We're prepared for the intermission!

Spring Concert 2016
Garrett directing us

Spring Concert 2016
Some action photos from our first two sets.

Spring Concert 2016

Spring Concert 2016
Tim handled the announcing chores

Spring Concert 2016
Recognizing the soloists in the second set

Spring Concert 2016

Spring Concert 2016
At intermission; we had a pretty good crowd this year.

Spring Concert 2016
The Monroe Swiss Singers started off the second half of the concert

Spring Concert 2016
They brought the Alphorns and the flag; they were great!

Spring Concert 2016

Spring Concert 2016

Spring Concert 2016
At the end of the concert the combined choirs sang "Heimat"

Spring Concert 2016

Spring Concert 2016

Spring Concert 2016

Spring Concert 2016
We hope you enjoyed the concert and we look forward to seeing you next year!
Great photos! Thank you Joe!
We miss you guys.
Dorothy and Paul