Here is a list of upcoming events that may be of interest:
March 1: Stiftungsfest at the Dorf Haus. We’ll start at 4:00 or so, with dinner at 5:00 and the presentation will begin around 6:00. Singers, please sign up at rehearsal.
March 8: International Festival at the Overture Center. We will be performing on the Rotunda Stage from 11:15 to 11:45 am. Singers please wear your full uniform and be there by 10:45 so we have a chance to warm up.
March 29: Tentative date for Kommers. The current plan is to hold Kommers at Turner Hall in Monroe, WI. Details are pending. Kommers has been canceled!
May 18: Our Spring Concert. Details are pending.
May 22: Last rehearsal of the season. Election of officers for next year, etc.