Our rehearsals start at 8 p.m. on Thursdays, at the Madison Turner Hall, 3001 S Stoughton Rd., Madison WI 53716. The rehearsals end at 9:30 p.m. The season is from the first Thursday of September through the last Thursday in May, though we sometimes continue into June depending on our event schedule. After each rehearsal, we have a fellowship and conviviality time until . . . .
Our rehearsals are open to the public!
I hope to attend one of your rehearsals in May. I’m a member of the Capitol Chordsmen, a Barbershop Chorus in Madison. We do an Annual Show, and this year the theme and setting is going to be Oktoberfest, so obviously we’re interested in learning from your group, so we can “do it right.” In particular I’d like us to learn and incorporate the spirit of Gemuetlichkeit into our performances.
On a side note, we spend a lot of time working on “turning dipthongs” It seems like pronouncing an umlaut is the exact opposite, if I remember my high school German class correctly from 35 years ago, you are trying to blend two vowel sounds at the same time.
We rehearse all year on Tuesdays and guests are very welcome